Our Cryosphere

Did you know? 🤔

That global warming would trigger more birth rate of volcanic eruptions?

As Climate change in ages, has had a great impact over the ice ages, today as global warming takes on the pride, studies and Research shows we could be running on the verge of more volcanic activities around the Globe.
How and why, simply because our Cryosphere behaves as a temperature regulating factor to mother Earth's well being too.

For more information, kindly follow the link below and more references coming up, for the page is still under construction.


With further research, our tireless researchers have just come up with devastating outcomes, regarding Arctic Sea ice. Imagine a life without ice, where would our beautiful life if animals that live there live from anymore?
Study today shows the drastic melting of the Arctic Sea ice from the 1980s till to date.

Please follow the link below for reference


Remember to jump to the addressing page and pick what you can do, so together we help heal mother Earth.

Thank you for checking, and please keep checking😊. Together, we make it happen.


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