Vulnerable Systems of the Earth

Tipping Points around the world
© Tim Lenton and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Vulnerable systems around the world today
We’ve already mentioned a few examples of vulnerable systems around the world that could one day pass a tipping point due to climate change. In the diagram above, I’ve outlined some others that I think we should keep an eye on, overlaid on a map of the number of people that might be affected by the changes.

Over the next few articles, we’ll be exploring three in greater detail:

Arctic Sea-ice Loss
Dieback of the Amazon Rainforest
Reorganisation of Circulation Systems
That doesn’t necessarily mean they are the most likely to happen, or that they will offer the biggest impacts.

Before we begin, let’s take a step back and think about what you already know about these systems. Reflect on what you’ve learnt so far about systems, perturbations and tipping points and consider what might be the forcing factors in these vulnerable systems around the world.

Post your thoughts in the discussion section or, if you’d like to talk about multiple systems, perhaps a blog post to expand on your reflections. There’s no need to do extra research for this activity, as we’d like to know how much you already know about parts of the Earth system and the forcings that might lead to their eventual tipping.

Kindly keep checking in,
Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š


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